Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Subway Surges

Anyone who has tried to take the NYC subway recently, especially at peak times, has experience the struggle I am about to touch on.

As the population of New York City rises, it only makes sense that subway usage would increase. Well it has, and to be honest, I'm not happy about it. Now I'm surely not the only one that has this opinion, but I figured I would share my thoughts on the topic.

To start, commuting at times when everyone is trying to get to work has become nearly impossible. The subways have become so crowded that I, and many others, have to wait for 2 or 3 trains to pass by before getting on one that actually has room. Once I get on a train, there are obviously no seats left, and I am forced to stand crowding up against others.

Overcrowding is now causing massive delays, which is probably what I have the biggest problem with. One of the reasons I love living in New York so much is that I can get where I'm going with ease. However, these delays are making me late, and I'm not going to lie, I can get pretty impatient.

New York City has allocated $14.2 billion dollars to improve the subway system, but in my opinion, I don't think that is enough. Spending money on new railways and cars won't totally solve the problem. I think that New York City needs to revamp the entire system to handle the new load. To me, it would make sense to adapt the schedules to be able alleviate some of the crowding that occurs.

I'm no expert on New York City's transit system, but it just seems to me that they'll need to really invest, not only money, but a lot of time to solve this problem and New York back on track.


  1. The subway is a drag, especially in the summer - certainly something I don't miss about not living in NYC anymore!

  2. Hey good post Miranda. What I have seen is that the MTA service does have increased trains that come every few minutes back-to-back during rush hour. While this can't be said for every single train in the city, it is true for the high usage routes and subway lines.
